December 21, 2012

wonderfully merry

While it feels like Thanksgiving was only last week, Christmas is actually here (well...4 more days)! I've decorated the trees, made some sugar cookies, wrapped presents, argued with family (always necessary during the holidays), and filling the rest of the days with Christmas songs, peppermint, and hot chocolate.  Now that finals are over and I'm home for the holidays, it's nice to spend time with my family and focus on all of them without all the little distractions of school.  

Have a wonderfully merry Christmas! 
(#4 went missing)

Love Always,

December 17, 2012


pro·cras·ti·na·tion [proh-kras-tuh-ney-shuh n, pruh
the act or habit of procrastinating, or putting off or delaying, especially something requiring immediate attention

Yep, that basically sums up my life this past semester.  Now that I'm on winter break, it's becoming clear I really like the adrenaline of waiting until the last possible minute to get something done. From exams, papers, more exams, that was easy to see, but also with people, relationships, outings, life plans, ect.  No need to get into the gritty details but I do think while time is quickly flying by, I sit around pretending things aren't happening, and then it's too late.  Good think I've got 3 weeks to work through these foggy emotions and reinvent my motivation. 

PS: These pictures were taken on my Diana F+ on a roll that lasted about a year and then took another 6 months for me to drag my butt to the camera shop to get them developed...oops...hence the need to rid myself of this bad habit of procrastination. 

Love Always,