March 30, 2011

If I Could, I'd Do It Over Again

Once upon a time and long, long ago....ok not really....but still a while ago, I was in Paris.  For 4 days.  And did NOT eat a macaroon.  I went with my dad and sister. It was the first time my sister and I had left the country, and the first time my dad had traveled by himself.  We were naive...We didn't experience FRANCE! So, if I could (and hopefully some day I will), I would redo this fabulous-yet-not-as-fulfilling trip to Paris.  If I could, I would eat macaroons and nutella-filled crepes for every meal.  I would use the steps to climb the Eiffel Tower.  I would buy something on the Champs-Élysées even if it was a tiny key chain just so I could say I shopped there.  I would visit Versaille.  I would take more pictures.  And the list goes on....

Pictures from 

Here's a warning for Paris, France: Get ready because I'm coming back (soonish) 

Love Always, 

PS: Pardon my daydreaming 

March 22, 2011


I'm feeling rather uninspired lately.  I'm not really sure why exactly...I just am.  I've been exploring flickr as I procrastinate doing the mountain of homework I have to do for the week, and I've found out I really like pictures that are dreamy and soft looking.  I know that was a fantastic description of it, so to explain what I mean a little better here are some examples: 

I've been having trouble figuring out what to take pictures of lately, so I've had little to share with you all, but don't worry, that will soon change because it's finally SPRING and there are exciting things to take pictures of now!

Love Always, 

March 20, 2011

On a Winter's Day

For my boyfriend's birthday (which was in December), we went exploring the downtown area of our hometown.  We, of course, took our cameras.  These are the pictures I took with  my Diana F+. Yes, I know it's March and I just got them developed. Unfortunately, I'm not very happy with was a lot sunnier outside than I thought it would be, so I didn't use the right kind of film.  Don't worry.  I'll get better at this someday.  These are only my favorites from the roll.

Love Always, 

March 9, 2011

Rain, Rain Go Away

It's been raining ALL day today, and it's supposed to keep raining ALL day tomorrow too.  I'm getting annoyed.  Yes, I love the sound of rain on the windows, but after a while being cold and wet all the time gets old.  I want the sun to come back and the gray clouds to go away! 

I snapped these pictures on my way to pick my sister up from school today.  The black and white reminds me of how dreary it is outside. 

I hope your days are prettier than mine!

Love Always, 