Once upon a time and long, long ago....ok not really....but still a while ago, I was in Paris. For 4 days. And did NOT eat a macaroon. I went with my dad and sister. It was the first time my sister and I had left the country, and the first time my dad had traveled by himself. We were naive...We didn't experience FRANCE! So, if I could (and hopefully some day I will), I would redo this fabulous-yet-not-as-fulfilling trip to Paris. If I could, I would eat macaroons and nutella-filled crepes for every meal. I would use the steps to climb the Eiffel Tower. I would buy something on the Champs-Élysées even if it was a tiny key chain just so I could say I shopped there. I would visit Versaille. I would take more pictures. And the list goes on....
Pictures from weheartit.com
Here's a warning for Paris, France: Get ready because I'm coming back (soonish)
Love Always,
PS: Pardon my daydreaming